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Invest in prime properties starting at just 50 USD with fiat or crypto, available to anyone, anywhere in the world
Register an account with either email or crypto wallets.
Browse through our list of properties and invest in the one that suit your preferences.
Enjoy rental income & appreciation, we will take care of the rest.
Like bonds, real estate provides a stable passive income through consistent monthly rental payments
Benefit from both monthly passive income and long-term value appreciation, similar to equities, growing wealth over time.
As one of the oldest asset classes, real estate has long served as a reliable hedge against inflation, much like gold.
With a high recovery value and widespread desire for homeownership, real estate remains a solid and tangible store of wealth
Bali, Indonesia
Annualized Total Return18.04%
Est. Ann. Rental Income10.49%
Est. Ann. Value Appreciation7.55%
We cherry-pick investments across the globe to ensure that our investors get the best returns on their investments. Our selections encompass a wide range of real estate prospects, such as long-term rentals, short-term rentals, and house-flip properties.